Ruby In The Sky

Ruby finds Abigail Jacobs(The Bird Lady) very fascinating. On page 139, The text said “Why are you always reading about The Bird Lady?” After Ellen said that Ruby closed the NASA tab. Ellen said that her father will get rid of the bird lady but Ruby might be thinking that it shouldn’t be done.

The Giver

I think The Giver has the memory of snow and color from the previous giver. I think that Jonas is worried about what pain will come to him as The Receiver. He probably thinks that there will be painful and athletic training but I think it’s just natural things like a sunburn or maybe even a twisted ankle. It could be anything that is simple enough to the point that everyone in the real world has experienced it. Even though the characters in The Giver can’t see color and they don’t have weather, Jonas has never experienced a sunburn until The Giver gave him the memory. Since he has never experienced pain, he will probably think it will be the worst thing anyone has ever experienced.

Ruby In the Sky *4-7*

The girls were trying to be as serious as possible. While Ruby and her mom were in the courtroom, she was trying to act professional. On page 95, she was looking around the courtroom. Ruby described how there were tables on each side of the stand and alot more. Also On page 96, It said “Hush Jess.” Indicating that she should be quiet and respectful.

Ruby in The Sky (1-3)

When Ruby’s mom was getting arrested at the beginning of the book Ruby must of felt that there was a big whole is her life while she was gone. Even though she’s fine after, Ruby still must of been confused about why her mom got arrested. On page 4 , it said “I was the one who made the complaint. I’m the victim.” At that moment Ruby’s mind was probably full of questions. Ruby’s mom made the complaint but is now getting arrested even though she didn’t do anything wrong. Ruby’s mom was so desperate on keeping Ruby at the house and making sure she stays there.


I think the guard in the store didn’t like the way Kendi and Imani looked and acted. Kendi and Imani are girls just shopping at a store and a guard immediately says they need to leave. On page 172, the guard says “This store is for those who….can afford it.” The guard was probably thinking they were poor and didn’t have money all because of how they looked.