2nd Quarter Goal

Grade – A

I will try harder in reading to get an A+ and make sure I get my 20 minutes of reading done. I will read books that are a bit challenging for me.

Book Challenge Goal : 30 books

I will continue to read 30 minutes a day. I will find books that are a bit challenging to me and are not to easy.

Classroom Expectations

I will pay attention, listen, and respect the lesson. I will make sure I am understanding what Mr. Brown and all my other teachers are teaching.

Action Steps

I will read 20 minutes a week and I will get books I enjoy reading.


Mr. Brown will support me by helping me read more books this year than I ever have.

My mom will also support me by helping me make sure I finish my 20 minutes of reading.

2nd Quarter Grade

I didn’t meet my goal because I got the same grade as last quarter. I still have an A which stayed the same. I wanted an A+ but I didn’t reach that.

When Stars are Scattered pg. 202

I think that the interviewers are very impatient and rude. They were not really smiling and were being very serious. I believe that the interviewer was trying to make time go by fasting because he was annoyed when Omar started crying after telling the story about how he lost his mother. It could be that the interviewer could have experienced losing his mom or dad. According to the text, the interviewer was trying to be very serious. I think Omar is very nervous being resettled to America. Based of of what I read, he is always thinking about it. In the book, he was constantly waiting and thinking about being resettled to America. I think it’s sad that Hassan has bad seizures and doctors don’t know how to take care of him. Hopefully in America, they can have the right medication to care for Hassan’s seizures.

My Presentation

When I read it to my mom she stared crying tears of joy and happiness. I’m very glad she liked it and she probably thinks I’m the favorite child now. She said I did an amazing job! I made a badge out of paper and I planned to read it out loud. I’m very proud of my work!

When Stars Are Scattered (1-6)

I think that Omar and Hassan are going to be sent to America when they leave. According to the text, They are missing their mom a lot. I feel like there is a low percent chance they are gonna get sent back to Somalia. Fatuma seems to care for Hassan and Omar very much. I think Salans idea of Omar going to school was a great idea. I believe Omar can learn how to take care of Hassan better. Based off of what I read, Omar is one of the kids at school who love to study and learn. I think its very unfair that the girls in Dadaab can’t learn as much as the boys can. I wish Hassan knew what Omar was talking about and could understand things he said. Ali is just jealous of Omar is what I believe.

The Bridge Home Final

I’m glad that Viji went to the boarding school to become a teacher. According to the text, Viji wanted to become a teacher. I think the author wrote this book because he wanted to speak out about abuse and homelessness. The author could have experienced something like what happens in the book.

The Bridge Home 29-40

I think it’s very sad that they sold the dog because he didn’t do anything wrong. The dog was apart of the family and why would someone do that to a family member. It could be because they needed money. I’m glad that they found a school for disabled people like them. Now they can learn like normal kids. According to the text, they are glad they found a school for people like them.